We would like to invite you to STAND UP and STAND OUT in support of CLIMATE ACTION!
This family-friendly event is an opportunity for Hingham residents that are concerned about the climate crisis to visibly show their support for CLIMATE ACTION.
If you would like to be involved, we ask you to please sign-up using the following link to stand-out at one of three locations: Bathing Beach, Jackass Park and Powers Field (at Hingham Center). We are limiting spots for each location to allow for safe social distancing among participants. We also request that all participants WEAR A MASK.
If the sign-up spots are full, we would be happy to add additional sites upon request. You could even organize a stand-out within your own neighborhood! If you would like to suggest another location, please email Anne Morin (annabethmorin@gmail.com)
***We are also looking to have 1-2 HNZ volunteers at each location to take pictures, communicate throughout the hour with the organizers as needed, remind participants to social distance and wear masks and to set up and take down lawn sign messages. If you would like to volunteer please email annabethmorin@gmail.com