Investing in a new technology or pursuing a greener lifestyle can be intimidating for many of us. The amount of information out there can be overwhelming – what better way to pursue these low-carbon ventures than with the guidance of a fellow Hingham resident who has done all the legwork for you?
Find a Coach
Become a Coach
In order to move our town closer towards a net zero community, HNZ is launching a CLIMATE COACH initiative to assist and educate Hingham residents on achieving their low-carbon goals. HNZ runs on people power, so we aim to crowdsource the expertise, experience and passion of our members to support our town’s journey to a low-carbon future. If you think you have some wisdom to lend towards this initiative, we’d love to hear from you! Please review the following and contact our Coaching Coordinator, Ben Kerman at
What is a “Climate Coach”?
A community volunteer with professional or personal experience/knowledge in a particular green technology or behavior who assists and advises Hingham residents that are interested in implementing cost-effective personal strategies for reducing their negative environmental impacts. Works individually and in groups with residents from initial decision point through finances and mechanics, to implementation/installation.
Climate Coaching Topics
We are currently seeking coaches in six areas. These topics reflect a range of technologies, tools and behaviors that Hingham residents could explore with the aim of reducing their carbon emissions.
- Carbon Footprint Calculation: Assist Client with comparison of calculator tools, identification of personal/household practical opportunities to reduce carbon production including transport/travel, heating/cooling/electric use, food & consumer goods consumption
- Low Carbon Diet: Educate client on the carbon footprint of various foods, and advise on how to incorporate more low-carbon choices into their diet and reduce food waste.
- EV (electric vehicles): Offer information from personal experience with an EV, overview of EV options, Charging issues, Cost of ownership & Carbon emission comparisons, incentives/rebates
- SOLAR : Suitability of roof/property, Return on investment, financial arrangements(ownership vs lease vs coop), dealing with HMLP, incentives/rebates, installers
- Heat Pumps: Suitability of house, Cost/Timing/Return on investment, incentives/rebates, installers
- Lowering Household Carbon Emissions through Energy Efficiency: Energy audits, calculating impact and costs of energy efficiency actions, vendors
How do I volunteer to become a “Climate Coach”?
HNZ operates on people power, so these types of initiatives don’t happen without our dedicated volunteers. If you are interested in becoming a climate coach in one of the areas mentioned above (or another relevant topic), please email our HNZ Coach Coordinator, Ben Kerman at