Budgets are being decided as we speak. Please ask the Hingham Select Board and Advisory Committee members to include the Sustainability Director position in the FY2023 budgets.

The Town’s Climate Action Planning Committee, Cleaner Greener Hingham Committee, and Energy Action Committee all voted to support creating this position and other Town entities are reviewing own messages of support as we speak. Please add your voice!


  1. Key enabler in the work of the Town’s Climate Action Planning Committee (CAPC) in developing the Climate Action Plan (CAP): Funding a Sustainability Director assures that the Town can optimally support the Climate Action Planning Committee (CAPC) and move aggressively on ready- to-be-deployed, climate-related projects.
  2. Helps secure new energy-related grant money: Implementing the Sustainability Director role will prepare the Town for sustainability-related challenges ahead and will also help in securing new energy-related grant money that will help keep us on track to meet our goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2040.
  3. Not acting now means deferring economic & climate benefits: Waiting to hire support staff until a Climate Action Plan is delivered in 2024 will delay progress toward net zero carbon emissions and risks deferring substantial economic and climate benefits.
  4. Position to be funded by ready-to-be-deployed, climate-related projects: These projects will not only fund the new position, but they will also be significant steps toward our goal of net zero.

Please find the resolution the Climate Action Planning Committee voted for here below


Submit notes of support to the Hingham Select Board and Advisory Committee now!

Make sure you let the Select Board and Advisory Committee know you support the creation of a Sustainability Director position for FY2023

 Send your message to

Liz Klein kleinl@hingham-ma.gov

Joe Fisher fisherj@hingham-ma.gov

William Ramsey ramseyw@hingham-ma.gov

The Advisory Committee AdvisoryCommittee@hingham-ma.gov  (sending your message to this email address ensures that it will get disseminated to all Advisory Committee members)

Example of note of support (feel free to adapt):

Subject: In support of a Sustainability Director position in the FY2023 budget

Dear Select Board and Advisory Committee members,

I support the funding of a Sustainability Director position in the FY2023 budget.

Members of Hingham Net Zero have developed a compelling business case that sets forth the need, justification, envisioned duties, financial/other benefits, and funding sources in support of the creation of a Sustainability Director position in the FY2023 budget.

The Sustainability Director position could not only be a key enabler in the work of the Climate Action
Planning Committee in developing the Climate Action Plan, it could also provide the centralized focus needed to access available grant funds which we are not yet seeking.

The Town’s Climate Action Planning Committee, Cleaner Greener Hingham Committee, and Energy Action Committee all voted to support creating this position and other Town entities are reviewing own messages of support as we speak.

We need to make sure the town is ready to move aggressively on climate action. Creating the Sustainability Director role in FY2023 is key to do so.

Thank you for your consideration,