At Town Meeting on May 8, 2021 Hingham residents voted YES to develop a climate action plan!
The town will establish an 11 member Climate Action Planning Committee (CAPC) charged with creating a Climate Action Plan (CAP)— a recommended strategy and series of actions to facilitate a town-wide “net zero” sum of carbon emissions produced and removed from the atmosphere by the year 2040. Hingham’s CAP will describe how the various sectors within our town can act to reach this reduction in ways that are uniquely feasible and cost effective in our town. The CAPC will lead the process to evaluate options and recommend actions to accomplish the “net zero” goal as well as oversee the funding dedicated to developing the Plan.
The Hingham Municipal Lighting Plant (HMLP) Board voted to financially support the full cost of developing the CAP. From the sale of renewable energy credits, the HMLP is able to donate $80,000 for this purpose. This means that residents’ rates will not be impacted by the creation of the CAP.
Thank you to everyone who helped us reach this momentous victory! As we move forward, we will continue to support the town’s efforts to reach net zero emissions.