We are proud to join the Hingham Civic Association along with all the other wonderful non-profit organizations who serve Hingham. The Hingham Civic Association is a group of Hingham community organizations coming together to ensure that civic organizations thrive in a post pandemic world. We are looking forward to engaging with and supporting all the other members!
Here is the list of participating organizations:
American Legion/ G.A.R Hall
4th of July Parade Committee
Bare Cove Fire Museum
Friends of South Shore Country Club
Hingham Boys Scout, Troop 1
Hingham Cemetery Corporation
Hingham Community Center
Department of Elder Services
Council on Aging
Hingham Downtown Association
Hingham Education Foundation
Hingham Farmers Market, Inc.
Hingham Food Pantry
Hingham Garden Club
Hingham Girl Scout House & The Hingham Girl Scout House
Hingham Historical Society
Hingham Land Conservation Trust
Hingham Maritime Center
Hingham, Town of, Master Plan Committee
Hingham Militia
Hingham Music Parents Association
Hingham Link
Hingham Net Zero
Hingham Pride Project
Hingham Rotary
Hingham Sports Partnership
Hingham Unity Council
Hingham Women’s Club
League of Women Voters of Hingham
South Shore Art Center
South Shore Conservatory
South Shore Special Needs Athletic Partnership (SNAP)
The Company Theater
The Trustees