For those following the progress of the Town’s Energy Action Committee’s article on the Town Meeting warrant which calls for developing a climate action plan, the Energy Action Committee voted last night on whether to proceed with the article as is, or withdraw it and go with a plan to accomplish the same thing without a vote at Town Meeting. The latter plan was put forward by the office of the Board of Selectmen.
The committee deadlocked on the question of whether or not to withdraw, so the article moves forward this week to the Board of Selectmen and the Advisory Committee.
Please attend the meetings to be heard:
Tuesday (tonight) 3/3: Board of Selectmen, Town Hall
The meeting begins at 7 pm, but this article is last on the agenda, so it will definitely take a while to get to it.
Thursday evening (day after tomorrow) 3/5: Advisory Committee, Town Hall
The agenda is not yet posted.
Unfamiliar with Town Meeting process? Here’s some detail. The vote of the Selectmen is advisory to the Advisory Committee. Whatever the Selectmen’s decision, the article will be heard by the Advisory Committee (assuming it hasn’t been withdrawn, and it hasn’t). They will take the Selectmen’s opinion into their consideration.
The vote of the Advisory Committee, although purely advisory to Town Meeting, becomes the motion on the floor of Town Meeting when the article comes up, so the Advisory Committee’s opinion is very powerful.
Hope you can make some of these meetings!